







This here is nothing special, just a small homepage for the fractal program Lyapunovia.

1992: Amiga

Lyapunovia has a rather long history. I originally wrote in 1992 as a small and quick project to display a fractal type called Lyapunov Space. At that time it was written in assembler for the Amiga. The last Amiga version to be publicly released was 1.5. I almost completed version 2.0 before forgetting about it and witnessing the hard drive crash.

1999: BeOS

A few years later I did a modest version for BeOS, this time in nice C++.

Both versions can be downloaded by clicking the links below

2021: WebGL

In May 2021, I remade Lyapunovia in WebGL for the browser. Try it here: https://www.jesperjuul.net/lyapunovia/



BeOS, version 0.10+

BeOS R3, PPC and Intel

BeOS R4, Intel


Amiga 68K, version 1.5
